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Q&A session of the Startup Night - Business Queens - Part 3

Role allocation and team dynamics

How important is the distribution of roles in a negotiation team and which roles should ideally be filled?

A clear allocation of roles is essential. One person should lead the negotiation, set the agenda, pursue the goals and bring the deal to a close. The other person should act as an expert or assistant, take notes, observe and provide support. It is important that this person only speaks on the instructions of the negotiator and does not intervene on their own initiative. A well-coordinated allocation of roles and preparation are crucial for the success of the negotiation.


Experiences and examples

Can you also share examples from your career where your negotiation techniques made the difference or where you got the upper hand in particularly difficult negotiations?

It is important not to be afraid of an exit. I once negotiated a project where the requirements were unrealistic. I refused and said I couldn't do it. The company tried to pressure me by claiming another trainer could. I stood firm and two weeks later they called me and accepted my conditions. It turned out that their argument was a bluff. It is important to set clear boundaries and be prepared to refuse a negotiated outcome.


How do you deal with difficult negotiating partners?

There are different types of difficult negotiating partners, such as people who talk a lot or aggressive people. With aggressive negotiating partners, it is important to clarify whether an agreement is still desired and, if necessary, to consider an exit. If your own boundaries are exceeded, you should be prepared to leave the negotiation.


How do you deal with being scrutinized as a woman in negotiations?

I allow my counterpart to look at me because it is normal to assess your negotiating partner. Whether the other person likes me or not has no influence on the outcome of the negotiation or my behavior.


Practical tips and details

How important is clothing in negotiations?

Clothing plays an important role because it contributes to well-being and reflects the context of the negotiation. You should dress appropriately for the situation, whether it is a meeting with a bank executive or a social organization. The comfort factor is crucial, so you should wear clothes that you can move in and that look authentic. There is no fixed dress code, you should adapt to the situation.


The Startup Night was a great success and offered participants valuable insights and practical tips for future negotiations. You can read more details and impressions of the evening in the Startup Night report. Stay tuned and join us next time!

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